July 7, 2020

The following is a list of some of the birds which can be observed on Oileán Árainn Mhóir.
Name of bird | Irish Name | When observed |
Artic Skija | Meirleach Artach | Good numbers seen daily. |
Brambling | Breacan | One seen in trees by hotel |
Black Redstart | Earrdeargan dubh | Female seen at lighthouse 1993. |
Chough | Cag Cosdearg | Common bird on Island. |
Citrine Wagtail | Glasog Liomoin | One seen in hotel gardens 1993. |
Fieldfare | Sacan | Three seen near the lighthouse. |
Gannet | Gainead | Good numbers seen daily. |
Great Shearwater | Canog mhor | Flock of 1200 seen near lighthouse. |
Great Skija | Meirleach mor | Good numbers seen daily. |
Kittiwake | Saidhbhear | Good numbers seen daily. |
Leachs Petrel | Guairdeall Gabhlach | Seen only when birds are blown inshore in very windy conditions. |
Meadow Pipit | Riabhog Chladaigh | Seen around the coast. |
Mearlin | Meirliun | Five birds seen, possibly on migration from Iceland. |
Pallass Warbler | Ceolaire Phallais | One bird found between Lough Shore and the lighthouse 1993. |
Raven | Fiach dubh | Some birds seen daily. |
Redwing | Deargan Sneachta | Small numbers arrive daily. |
Rock Pipit | Riabhog Mhona | Resident on island moors and on passage from Iceland. |
Snowy Owl | Ulchabhan Sneachta | One long-staying young male. One on Rannaigh Point Aug 2004 |
Sooty Shearwater | Canog Shuiche | Few seen daily rare. |
Storm Petrel | Guairdeall | Seen daily in strong winds. |
Stonechat | Caislin Cloch | Resident and some passage birds present on lowland coastal areas. |
Wheatear | Clochran | Seen daily in small numbers along the cliffs and around the lighthouse. |
Whooper Swan | Eala Ghorach | Seven birds seen at Lough Shior. |
The Semi-Palmated Plover | (Charadrius semipalmatus) | One on Leabgarrow Strand 2002 |
Other birds which can be seen include:
Blackbird | Fulmar | Puffin |
Black-backed | Gull | Guillemont |
Razorbill | Black Hooded Gull | Goldcrest |
Ringed Plover | Bluetit | Herring Gull |
Robin | Chaffinch | Hooded Crow |
Shag | Common Gull | Jackdaw |
Starling | Curlew | Whimbrill |